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FILLMED Art Filler Universal Lidocaine (2 x 1.2ml)


FILLMED Art Filler Universal Lidocaine (2 x 1.2ml)

$64$5,200 (-6%)


FILLMED Art Filler Universal Lidocaine (2 x 1.2ml)

$64$5,200 (-6%)


FILLMED Art Filler Universal Lidocaine (2 x 1.2ml)


FILLMED Art Filler Universal Lidocaine is a hyaluronic acid filler formulated to treat medium to deep wrinkles and to restore facial volume and remodel facial contours. Art Filler Universal contains lidocaine to ensure comfort during the treatment.

Benefits of FILLMED Art Filler Universal Lidocaine:

-Treat medium to deep wrinkles

-Soft and smooth texture

-Optimal mouldability and comfort

-Restore and remodel facial volume

How long does the result last for?

-The duration depends on the individual’s lifestyle, age and skin type.

The pack consists of:

1, 2 x 1.2ml

2, Syringesnn4 x 27G

3, Needles

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