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$30 – $1,400 (-20%)
$30 – $1,400 (-20%)
Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel, an elevating periocular serum, is revolutionary and multifunctional.Brightens eye skin. Contains Matrix System HA, which minimizes wrinkles, tiredness, and edema. For all skin types. This bundle contains one 30ml.
Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel is appropriate for use as an aftercare solution after cosmetic treatments or prolonged sun exposure.
Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel has a fantastic natural lifting effect around the eyes. The delicate, wrinkle-prone skin around the eyes is restored to a radiantly bright, fresh appearance. The active ingredient in Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel is hyaluronic acid of various molecular weights. This matrix technology may be massaged into the skin tissue very effectively and fast, resulting in immediate visible and long-lasting results. Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel is thus suitable for those who want to improve the skin around their eyes but do not want to undergo injectable therapy. The skin seems younger, faulty pigmentation fades, and weary, puffy eye areas vanish.
Content:30 ml Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel Ingredients: hyaluronic acid in various molecular weights (Matrix System HA), among others
The Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel is appropriate for all skin types and can be used both during the day and at night. The product is applied to the cared-for area with the fingertips and massaged in until no visible residue remains. This product is ideal for the upper and lower eyelids as well as the eye corners. |
Ejal is a product line by Medixa, which is situated in Nepal, Italy. The products, which are based on hyaluronic acid, can be used separately or in combination. The Ejal products can be used both topically and as injectable treatments.
Ejal offers the best products for HA receptor stimulation, developed after significant research and with the assistance of medical professionals. Ejal products are not only high in hyaluronic acid, but three different molecular weights in a system known as the HA matrix system allow the components to easily infiltrate the skin’s cell barriers. As a result, Ejal products are extremely effective and fast-acting. The ease of use also allows for quick and promising outcomes. The key priorities are bio-revitalization and skin regeneration. Furthermore, the Ejal products are perfect for dry skin and skin that has been affected by aging or the sun. While Ejal40 is an injectable product, Ejal Skin Booster HA Rich and Ejal Eye Contour HA Gel use a high concentration of hyaluronic acid to be absorbed into the skin through superficial application. We are honored to be the sole distributor of Ejal goods.
Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel sorgt für einen natürlichen Lifting-Effekt um die Augen. Die empfindliche und faltenanfällige Haut der Augenpartie erhält ihr strahlendes und frisches Aussehen zurück. Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel verwendet Hyaluronsäure mit unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten als Wirkstoff. Dieses Matrixsystem kann besonders effektiv und schnell auf das Hautgewebe einwirken, so dass die sichtbaren Effekte schnell und lang anhaltend sind. Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel ist daher ideal für Menschen, die ihre Augenpartie verbessern möchten, aber keine Injektionsbehandlungen in Betracht ziehen wollen. Die Haut wird frischer, Fehlpigmentierungen gehen zurück und müde, geschwollene Augen gehören der Vergangenheit an.
Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel ist die ideale Nachbehandlung nach einer Schönheitsbehandlung oder nach starker Sonneneinstrahlung.
Ejal Eyes Contour HA Gel ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet und kann sowohl als Tages- als auch als Nachtpflege verwendet werden.
Mit den Fingerspitzen auf die zu pflegende Stelle auftragen und sanft in die Haut einmassieren, ohne Rückstände zu hinterlassen. Dieses Produkt ist ideal für die Oberlider, die Unterlider und die Augenwinkel.
E’ un siero innovativo e multifunzionale per la zona perioculare con effetto lifting.
Rende la pelle del contorno occhi più luminosa e fresca. Contiene acido ialuronico con diverse concentrazioni e diversi pesi molecolare (Matrix System HA) che riduce le rughe, i segni di affaticamento ed il gonfiore.
Adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle
Gli ingredienti contenuti, sono efficaci anche grazie al rapido assorbimento:
– 3 DIVERSI PESI MOLECOLARI (MATRIX SYSTEM HA) che garantiscono una più rapida penetrazione attraverso la barriera cellulare
– FLACONE da 30 ml
EJAL EYES CONTOUR HA GEL è un siero adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle da applicare sul viso la mattina e/o la sera.
Ideale come SIERO post trattamento iniettivo di acido ialuronico (Ejal40)
Può essere utilizzato dopo trattamenti di medicina estetica, dopo esposizione al sole e da coloro che necessitano di una rigenerazione cutanea istantanea.
Applicare il prodotto con le punte delle dita sulle palpebre superiori ed inferiori, dall’angolo interno dell’occhio all’angolo esterno dell’ occhio.